COVID-19 Corner

In the light of the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 disease, all our physical classes have been reverted to online education platforms, we currently use video conferencing tools and virtual classrooms to support regular class functions. These tools are very effective and we have master the art of online education to create a synchronous feeling to that of physical classes.

Everyone is affected by this pandemic, we encourage you to continue to keep safe and practice sanitary and precautionary measures. We hope that you will recover quickly from any inconveniences caused during these turbulent times. Please let us know how we can help you. Sustaining education through innovation in learning and teaching, is our absolute vision.

-Kimberly Bowen, Bsc, ME.d

Stay focus and leverage this time, continue to prepare for your examinations. Refer to our resources, for Grade 5, Grade 4 and Grade 6 students.

We also have current Performance Tasks, Curriculum Based Tests and Ability Tests.

We wish to advise you that our printed PEP FOCUS Booklets availability is limited, we are printing selected booklets. Contact us is you are interested in copies. In the meanwhile we are working on alternative options.



Call or Whatsapp: 876 492 7169


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